Saturday, July 29, 2006
looking back.
yet again, a year has passed. it just all seems to be passing real fast. looking back, it's time to reflect. it has almost been two decades. are there things that i have done which i'm proud of? are there mistakes to learn from?
the past nineteen years was definitely not always smooth-sailing, but i'm glad that everything that has happened, happened. i always believed that everything happens for a reason. although i might not have digested the rough patches well last time, thinking back, i know it definitely made me stronger.
for everyone who wished me, thanks for remembering. your wishes meant a lot to me.
[personal thank yous.]
dad, mum, shelley thanks for everything for the past 19 years! i might not have been the perfect daughter/sister(for shelley), but remember that i have always appreciated all of you. looking forward to sydney in october together.
martin thanks for accompanying me on this special day of mine. really appreciated it. it certainly meant a lot to me. you have been really sweet and nice. i found the 99 short messages really touching! =)
juan thanks for wishing me on every possible medium! you have really been a great friend and i am glad to have you in my life for the past 6 years. our stories shared can probably be compiled into a book. lol. thanks for always being there =)
cerian, nat, rayner, russell, mervyn, raymond, xiaowei thanks for the wishes! remember our date on saturday! ;)
wonderful colleagues thanks for the lovely flowers and gifts. they were really sweet! you all certainly put a smile on my face! =)
steadysteady thanks for the birthday call, though i know i was last on the priority list =)
for everyone else thanks for remembering! =)
sarah. |
2:01 AM